by Brent Aiken | Feb 23, 2023 | Coaching, Continuing Education, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Podcast, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Training, Youth Ministry
Ministry Coaching with Cody Moore | SMC Podcast | Episode 092 Like all professions, youth ministry can be one that can be strengthened through training, education and coaching… but how can you find a coach for youth ministry? What does ministry coaching even...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 16, 2023 | Administration, Community, Discipleship, Evangelism, Family, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Engaging Student’s Parents & Households with Dan Istvanik | SMC Podcast | Episode 091 While the students in our ministry are one of our main focuses, reaching the parents or the household that the student lives with is just as important to the development of...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 9, 2023 | Administration, Calendar, Church Staff, Community, Evangelism, Family, Groups, High School, Junior High, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090 While it’s not a “statistic”, it’s very easy to see that most Youth Pastors will start over ministries at 2-3 different churches during their time as a Youth Pastor. While this...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 2, 2023 | Community, Creative Ministry, Discipleship, Evangelism, Events, Groups, Podcast, Relationships, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Better Together with Josh Lewis | SMC Podcast | Episode 089 Join us today for a special episode where our guest host, David Pruitt, interviews fellow youth pastor Josh Lewis, Youth Pastor at First Baptist Snyder in Snyder, Texas, and they talk about how youth pastors...
by Brent Aiken | Jan 26, 2023 | Administration, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Planning, Podcast, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Blindspots In Youth Ministry Leadership with Mark Matlock | SMC Podcast | Episode 088 Being in charge of a youth program can be a daunting task but incredibly rewarding in the process as you navigate the waters that teens are going through to lead them to Christ but...