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Students on the Fringe Pt. 3 with Darrin Cox | SMC Podcast | Episode 093

Students on the Fringe Pt. 3 with Darrin Cox | SMC Podcast | Episode 093

Students on the Fringe Pt. 3 with Darrin Cox | SMC Podcast | Episode 093 We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to everybody that we come in contact with but what happens when that also should convict us to be reaching out to the homeless community that is in...
Engaging Student’s Parents & Households with Dan Istvanik | SMC Podcast | Episode 091

Engaging Student’s Parents & Households with Dan Istvanik | SMC Podcast | Episode 091

Engaging Student’s Parents & Households with Dan Istvanik | SMC Podcast | Episode 091 While the students in our ministry are one of our main focuses, reaching the parents or the household that the student lives with is just as important to the development of...
Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090

Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090

Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090 While it’s not a “statistic”, it’s very easy to see that most Youth Pastors will start over ministries at 2-3 different churches during their time as a Youth Pastor. While this...
Teaching Goal Oriented Students with Jeff Harding | SMC Podcast | Episode 073

Teaching Goal Oriented Students with Jeff Harding | SMC Podcast | Episode 073

Teaching Goal Oriented Students with Jeff Harding | SMC Podcast | Episode 073 Students are constantly being thrown different things to strive for when it comes to what is important in life and what makes them successful… but what are we supposed to be teaching...
Calendar Boundaries with Jerry Varner | SMC Podcast | Episode 072

Calendar Boundaries with Jerry Varner | SMC Podcast | Episode 072

Calendar Boundaries with Jerry Varner | SMC Podcast | Episode 072 Youth Ministries can be a place of tons of spiritual engagement, fun activities and a whole slew of camps/trips/other events… but is there such thing as too much on calendar? Can it affect the way...
Students On The Fringe Pt. 2 with Crystal Leake | SMC Podcast | Episode 063

Students On The Fringe Pt. 2 with Crystal Leake | SMC Podcast | Episode 063

Students On The Fringe Pt. 2 with Crystal Leake | SMC Podcast | Episode 063 We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to everybody that we come in contact with but what happens when that also should convict us to be reaching out to the foster community that is...