by Brent Aiken | Sep 29, 2022 | Discipleship, Evangelism, Family, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Mental Health, New Youth Pastors, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Teaching Goal Oriented Students with Jeff Harding | SMC Podcast | Episode 073 Students are constantly being thrown different things to strive for when it comes to what is important in life and what makes them successful… but what are we supposed to be teaching...
by Brent Aiken | Sep 1, 2022 | Camps, Church Staff, Counseling, Evangelism, Events, Foster System, Games, Groups, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Mental Health, Mission Trips, Personal Life, Planning, Podcast, Recap, Relationships, Retreats, Schedule, Special Needs, Spiritual Health, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Summer Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 069 It’s time for another recap episode! Come join the conversation as Brent sits down to discuss both his and Russell’s favorite moments of the past 16 guests on the podcast. Come join the conversations that we are...
by Brent Aiken | Aug 11, 2022 | Administration, Evangelism, Future Ministry, Groups, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, New Youth Pastors, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Schedule, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Building a Youth Ministry with Kevin McMachen | SMC Podcast | Episode 066 While many of us walk into a church with a youth program that is already started, sometimes we aren’t so lucky. What happens when you walk into a church that doesn’t have a youth...
by Brent Aiken | Jul 27, 2022 | Bible, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Podcast, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Biblical Illiteracy with Jeff Roberts | SMC Podcast | Episode 064 Have you ever been talking with students and asked something simple as, “you remember Moses right?”, only to be met by blank stares? Once we could assume a level of Biblical familiarity,...
by Brent Aiken | Jul 7, 2022 | Administration, Evangelism, Events, Family, Future Ministry, Groups, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Simple Student Ministry with Devin DiGuilio | SMC Podcast | Episode 061 It can be very easy to fall into the tiring practice of finding the newest games, trends and everything else that can lead to comparison in Youth Ministry but what would happen if we didn’t...
by Brent Aiken | Jun 30, 2022 | Camps, Groups, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Mission Trips, Planning, Podcast, Retreats, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Post-Camp Discipleship with Blake Dellacer | SMC Podcast | Episode 060 While we all look forward to the excitement and spiritual opportunities that Summer brings with service projects, mission trips, retreats and church camps we also hate how the spiritual high...