Small Town Youth Ministry with Kyle Creel | SMC Podcast | Episode 021

Small Town Youth Ministry with Kyle Creel | SMC Podcast | Episode 021

Small Town Youth Ministry with Kyle Creel | SMC Podcast | Episode 021 We all have talked ministry before with youth pastors from different churches and it’s always a topic of discussion on what is doing well in their ministry, but what happens when their church is...
Fresh Expressions with Mary Strickland | SMC Podcast | Episode 019

Fresh Expressions with Mary Strickland | SMC Podcast | Episode 019

Fresh Expressions with Mary Strickland | SMC Podcast | Episode 019 It’s easy to fall into the trap of doing ministry the same way over and over because “It Works That Way.” What if we changed that scenario? What would it look like if we started...
Contemplative Ministry with Cody Brotherton | SMC Podcast | Episode 018

Contemplative Ministry with Cody Brotherton | SMC Podcast | Episode 018

Contemplative Ministry with Cody Brotherton | SMC Podcast | Episode 018   Games, high-energy activities and worship all have their places when it comes to Student Ministry, but when is the last time that we have spent more time in prayer than we have doing...
Infrastructure in Student Ministry with Kurt Libby | Student Ministry Conversations | Episode 011

Infrastructure in Student Ministry with Kurt Libby | Student Ministry Conversations | Episode 011

Infrastructure in Student Ministry with Kurt Libby | Student Ministry Conversations | Episode 011 Having a method and plan to the madness that is student ministry can be taxing sometimes, but how can we work to have a plan of action that will work long before we reach...