by Brent Aiken | May 4, 2023 | Leadership, Mental Health, New Youth Pastors, Next Gen Ministry, Parent Ministry, Personal Life, Planning, Podcast, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Establishing Personal Values with Brandon Hair | SMC Podcast | Episode 102 In ministry often times, we are learning on the go which allows us to be fairly malleable when it comes to how we run our ministries and how we establish our beliefs. How can we work to...
by Brent Aiken | Apr 6, 2023 | Administration, Discipleship, Evangelism, Events, Future Ministry, Groups, High School, Interns, Junior High, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, New Youth Pastors, Next Gen Ministry, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Excellence in All Things with Elles Maddry | SMC Podcast | Episode 098 While Youth Ministry can often times be labeled as chaos or rough around the edges, this often falls as a scapegoat for lacking the desire to pursue our best in all the different elements in our...
by Brent Aiken | Mar 16, 2023 | Administration, Church Staff, Community, Future Ministry, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Small Groups, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Leading Culture Change with Mark DeVries | SMC Podcast | Episode 095 Sometimes the culture in our church/youth settings can be an uphill climb when it comes to working in new things or trying to break the cycle of “We have always done it this way.” How can...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 16, 2023 | Administration, Community, Discipleship, Evangelism, Family, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Engaging Student’s Parents & Households with Dan Istvanik | SMC Podcast | Episode 091 While the students in our ministry are one of our main focuses, reaching the parents or the household that the student lives with is just as important to the development of...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 9, 2023 | Administration, Calendar, Church Staff, Community, Evangelism, Family, Groups, High School, Junior High, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090 While it’s not a “statistic”, it’s very easy to see that most Youth Pastors will start over ministries at 2-3 different churches during their time as a Youth Pastor. While this...
by Brent Aiken | Sep 29, 2022 | Discipleship, Evangelism, Family, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Mental Health, New Youth Pastors, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Teaching Goal Oriented Students with Jeff Harding | SMC Podcast | Episode 073 Students are constantly being thrown different things to strive for when it comes to what is important in life and what makes them successful… but what are we supposed to be teaching...