by Brent Aiken | Feb 24, 2022 | Administration, Calendar, Creative Ministry, Future Ministry, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Doing Ministry Differently with Kate Boyd | SMC Podcast | Episode 042 There are many things that hold tried and true to ministry for decades at a time, if not centuries but there are many different practices in ministry require us to come at situations from a...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 17, 2022 | Administration, Future Ministry, Groups, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Mental Health, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Winning As A Leader with Justin Knowles | SMC Podcast | Episode 041 We all hopefully have realized that we cannot do the job of ministry alone and it takes a group of church members, small group leaders and many others to meaningfully change students through Gospel...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 3, 2022 | Administration, Calendar, Creative Ministry, Events, Future Ministry, Groups, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Spiritual Health, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Holistic Youth Ministry with Keith Parker | SMC Podcast | Episode 039 It’s easy to get so focused in on the week to week of ministry that we don’t take much time planning on the future of our programs, but what does it look like to stop and view your...
by Brent Aiken | Jan 27, 2022 | Administration, Counseling, Creative Ministry, Events, Future Ministry, Leadership, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Schedule, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Practical Youth Ministry Tips with David Fraze | SMC Podcast | Episode 038 No matter how long you have been in Youth Ministry, there are always new things to learn and put into practice to make your ministry more efficient and effective. We should always be looking...
by Brent Aiken | Jan 6, 2022 | Administration, Calendar, Church Staff, Counseling, Creative Ministry, Design, Events, Future Ministry, Games, Groups, Interns, Leadership, Leaving A Ministry, Lessons & Curriculum, Mental Health, Parent Ministry, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Retreats, Schedule, Speaking To Groups, Spiritual Health, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Worship, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Fall Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 035 It’s time for another recap episode! Come join the conversation as Russell and Brent sit down and discuss their favorite moments of the past 17 guests on the podcast. We are excited to kick off the new year and bring you...
by Brent Aiken | Dec 23, 2021 | Future Ministry, Leadership, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
Students Called To Ministry with Jessica Geiger | SMC Podcast | Episode 034 The ultimate call to ministry for any Christian is to bring people to Christ and teach them how to follow Jesus and lead others to come to know Him. We also have the great privilege as Youth...