by Brent Aiken | Mar 30, 2023 | Anxiety, Coaching, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Planning, Podcast, Spiritual Health, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Training, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Leading With Your Head Above Water with Doug Franklin | SMC Podcast | Episode 097 It can be incredibly easy (especially in the early years of Youth Ministry) to get overwhelmed with the fact of, “I’m responsible for these students and working with their...
by Brent Aiken | Mar 9, 2023 | Anxiety, Mental Health, Personal Life, Podcast, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry
Working Through Burnout with Tyler Reed | SMC Podcast | Episode 094 As in most professions, Youth Ministry can have a daunting toll on your physical/emotion/spiritual well being… but what happens when you don’t catch the signs that you’re burning out...
by Brent Aiken | Feb 23, 2023 | Coaching, Continuing Education, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Podcast, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Training, Youth Ministry
Ministry Coaching with Cody Moore | SMC Podcast | Episode 092 Like all professions, youth ministry can be one that can be strengthened through training, education and coaching… but how can you find a coach for youth ministry? What does ministry coaching even...
by Brent Aiken | Dec 22, 2022 | Discipleship, Evangelism, Groups, High School, Junior High, Leadership, Lessons & Curriculum, Personal Life, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Spiritual Health, Student Ministry, Student Ministry Team, Vision & Mission, Worship, Youth Ministry, Youth Ministry Team
Discipleship with Cody Brotherton | SMC Podcast | Episode 084 When it comes to spiritual development, there is no greater conversation to have and prepare for than how to disciple people well…. but what does discipleship look like? Do we have a clear focus on...
by Brent Aiken | Nov 3, 2022 | Discipleship, Evangelism, Leadership, New Students, Planning, Podcast, Relationships, Spiritual Health, Student Leadership, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry
Patience with New Students with Melissa Stevenson | SMC Podcast | Episode 078 While we are all called to develop the students that are within our program, we are also working to build our programs with new students from our community. How do we work with our current...