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Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090

Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090

Starting Out Right with Caleb Brimmage | SMC Podcast | Episode 090 While it’s not a “statistic”, it’s very easy to see that most Youth Pastors will start over ministries at 2-3 different churches during their time as a Youth Pastor. While this...
Making Yourself Organized In Youth Ministry with Paul Turner | SMC Podcast | Episode 087

Making Yourself Organized In Youth Ministry with Paul Turner | SMC Podcast | Episode 087

Making Yourself Organized In Youth Ministry with Paul Turner | SMC Podcast | Episode 087 While working in youth ministry, many will claim that they do their best work when they are on the fly but there are so many dangers in not allowing yourself time to be organized...
Acting Out The Gospel with Shawna Johnson | SMC Podcast | Episode 086

Acting Out The Gospel with Shawna Johnson | SMC Podcast | Episode 086

Acting Out The Gospel with Shawna Johnson | SMC Podcast | Episode 086 Theater and acting have been around for centuries but throughout time has lost the tradition of using it in church. Why did we stop? What is the importance of using theater and drama in your...
Discipleship with Cody Brotherton | SMC Podcast | Episode 084

Discipleship with Cody Brotherton | SMC Podcast | Episode 084

Discipleship with Cody Brotherton | SMC Podcast | Episode 084 When it comes to spiritual development, there is no greater conversation to have and prepare for than how to disciple people well…. but what does discipleship look like? Do we have a clear focus on...
Small Groups with Jon Batch | SMC Podcast | Episode 083

Small Groups with Jon Batch | SMC Podcast | Episode 083

Small Groups with Jon Batch | SMC Podcast | Episode 083 Life groups, community groups, discipleship groups… no matter what you call them, small groups are a huge part of the discipleship efforts & community within the church and most groups heavily depend on...