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Teaching Deeper To Students with Brian Lucas | SMC Podcast | Episode 037

Teaching Deeper To Students with Brian Lucas | SMC Podcast | Episode 037

Teaching Deeper To Students with Brian Lucas | SMC Podcast | Episode 037 One of the most important tasks of Youth Ministry is teaching students the Gospel of Jesus Christ and taking them into a fuller understanding of how and why scripture says what it says… but...
Fall Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 035

Fall Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 035

Fall Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 035 It’s time for another recap episode! Come join the conversation as Russell and Brent sit down and discuss their favorite moments of the past 17 guests on the podcast. We are excited to kick off the new year and bring you...
Integrating Youth Into The Body of the Church with Sam Halverson | SMC Podcast | Episode 029

Integrating Youth Into The Body of the Church with Sam Halverson | SMC Podcast | Episode 029

Integrating Youth Into The Body of the Church with Sam Halverson | SMC Podcast | Episode 029 )by While we are all working to develop students and their personal relationships with Christian peers and strengthen their walk with Christ, it’s also a responsibility...
Creating Culture with Cameron Presson | SMC Podcast | Episode 028

Creating Culture with Cameron Presson | SMC Podcast | Episode 028

Creating Culture with Cameron Presson | SMC Podcast | Episode 028 One of the challenges of student ministry is building a structure of ministry that keeps students knowing what’s to come while also keeping them engaged in the movement of the student ministry....
Student Leadership Vol. 2 with Brandon Hair | SMC Podcast | Episode 027

Student Leadership Vol. 2 with Brandon Hair | SMC Podcast | Episode 027

Student Leadership Vol. 2 with Brandon Hair | SMC Podcast | Episode 027 When it comes to conversations, there are a few that will stand the test of time including, “How do I develop leadership qualities in students?” This will be a conversation that we...
Three Arenas of Youth Ministry with David Odom | SMC Podcast | Episode 025

Three Arenas of Youth Ministry with David Odom | SMC Podcast | Episode 025

Three Arenas of Youth Ministry with David Odom | SMC Podcast | Episode 025 At one time we though of youth ministry as only our interaction, programs, events and worship with the youth in our group. However now we realize that youth ministry only focused on youth can...