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Students On The Fringe Pt. 2 with Crystal Leake | SMC Podcast | Episode 063

Students On The Fringe Pt. 2 with Crystal Leake | SMC Podcast | Episode 063

Students On The Fringe Pt. 2 with Crystal Leake | SMC Podcast | Episode 063 We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to everybody that we come in contact with but what happens when that also should convict us to be reaching out to the foster community that is...
Simple Student Ministry with Devin DiGuilio | SMC Podcast | Episode 061

Simple Student Ministry with Devin DiGuilio | SMC Podcast | Episode 061

Simple Student Ministry with Devin DiGuilio | SMC Podcast | Episode 061 It can be very easy to fall into the tiring practice of finding the newest games, trends and everything else that can lead to comparison in Youth Ministry but what would happen if we didn’t...
Being Single In Youth Ministry with Katie Earles | SMC Podcast | Episode 057

Being Single In Youth Ministry with Katie Earles | SMC Podcast | Episode 057

Being Single In Youth Ministry with Katie Earles | SMC Podcast | Episode 057 We have spent time in previous episodes talking about marriage and how it effects ministry, but what about being single in ministry? What benefits and challenges come from being in ministry...
Bi-Vocational Youth Ministry with Ken Burns | SMC Podcast | Episode 056

Bi-Vocational Youth Ministry with Ken Burns | SMC Podcast | Episode 056

Bi-Vocational Youth Ministry with Ken Burns | SMC Podcast | Episode 056    While there is a decent number of Youth Pastors that are fortunate to have a Full-Time position in Youth Ministry, it’s often found that the larger majority of Youth Pastors are working...