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First Few Years In Youth Ministry with Josh Griffin | SMC Podcast | Episode 053

First Few Years In Youth Ministry with Josh Griffin | SMC Podcast | Episode 053

First Few Years In Youth Ministry with Josh Griffin | SMC Podcast | Episode 053 The beginning few years of ministry can be incredibly daunting and challenging, but also can create the foundations for your ministry leading for decades to come. How do you go about...
Spring Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 052

Spring Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 052

Spring Recap | SMC Podcast | Episode 052 It’s time for another recap episode! Come join the conversation as Russell and Brent sit down and discuss their favorite moments of the past 16 guests on the podcast. We are excited to kick off the second season of the...
“Simply” Evangelism with Caleb Davis | SMC Podcast | Episode 049

“Simply” Evangelism with Caleb Davis | SMC Podcast | Episode 049

“Simply” Evangelism with Caleb Davis | SMC Podcast | Episode 049 Evangelism has gotten too technical in it’s definition in some Christian circles, but the bottom line for the Evangelism is “People want to know that you care before they want to...
Empowering Students To Lead with Brent Aiken | SMC Podcast | Episode 044

Empowering Students To Lead with Brent Aiken | SMC Podcast | Episode 044

Empowering Students To Lead with Brent Aiken | SMC Podcast | Episode 044 There is nothing more rewarding in student ministry than watching students walk through the development of their faith and step into leadership roles within your student ministry let alone the...
Investing In Your Church with Karis Carstensen | SMC Podcast | Episode 043

Investing In Your Church with Karis Carstensen | SMC Podcast | Episode 043

Investing In Your Church with Karis Carstensen | SMC Podcast | Episode 043 When we step into a specific ministry (student, children, adult, worship, etc.) we obviously will put most of our focus into the goals and missions of pushing that ministry forward, but what...