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Games In Youth Ministry with James Daniel Schopp| SMC Podcast | Episode 058

Jun 16, 2022 | Events, Games, Groups, Interns, Planning, Podcast, Schedule, Student Ministry, Vision & Mission, Youth Ministry

 Have you had someone ask you why you play games with your youth group? Has your church financial person questioned your purchase of 50 pool noodles, 25 cans of shaving cream and 3000 water balloons? 

Games are not just something to pass the time, or what you do when nothing else is planned. Games can be an essential part of your youth ministry, open the door for conversations and build relationships while teaching truths about Jesus and our faith.
Come join the conversation as Russell sits down with James Daniel Schopp and they talk about games, ministry, tik tok and more.

You can listen to this episode in a variety of formats including Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Casts and Radio Public.


Show Notes

Episode 46 – Engaging Students Online with Sammy Kelly

Connect with our Guest

James Daniel on Tik Tok – @james_daniel11

Sandy Creek Youth on Instagram @sandycreekyouthgroup

No Excuse Podcast – 


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