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Pastor/Youth Pastor Relationship with Ryan Ford | SMC Podcast | Episode 108

Jun 15, 2023 | Administration, Church Staff, Leadership, New Youth Pastors, Podcast, Relationships, Student Ministry, Youth Ministry

More than any other experience in ministry the challenges that arise from starting at a new ministry in a new church is daunting and you’re immediately on the clock with everyone’s eyes on you. What are the priorities worth establishing in that first year of ministry? What are the things worth setting aside for later?

Come join the conversation as David sits down with Beto Arrelano, the Youth Pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Snyder, Texas, as they talk about the successes and challenges of the first year of ministry at a new church.

We would also love to have you join the conversation if you would like to be on the show! Shoot us a message on social media (@talkstudentmin) or an email ( to get a time set for you to be on the show.


Show Notes

Connect With Ryan:

Reasons For Disconnect

1.) Busyness- being wrapped up in our own ministries, but we are called to be servant leaders
2.) Avoiding micromanagement feelings.
3.) Ministry Burnout Be intentional and be vulnerable.

How to build the relationship with your senior pastor

1.) Open up lines of communication

LeaderTreks – The Disconnect

Connect With SMC


Connect With The Hosts

Russell Martin – @rgmmusic
Brent Aiken – @heybrentaiken
David Pruitt – @pruacoustic

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