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Recharging Your Batteries with Chris Coker | SMC Podcast | Episode 059

Jun 23, 2022 | Future Ministry, Leadership, Mental Health, Personal Life, Planning, Podcast, Spiritual Health

As the school year ends and the hectic mess of Summer begins, it can be very easy to over do yourself and commit to too many things or just run yourself to exhaustion with camps, trips and other activities… but are you allowing yourself time to recharge? Are you paying attention to the signs in your life that warn you of running low? What are those signs?

Come join the conversation as Brent sits down with Chris Coker as they talk about setting boundaries, recharging throughout the day and setting time aside for moments and opportunities for you to fully unwind in the presence of Jesus.


You can listen to this episode in a variety of formats including Apple Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Spotify, Youtube, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Pocket Casts and Radio Public.


Show Notes

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